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Does it ever feel like you are running in place on a treadmill instead of moving forward?
Do you sometimes feel like you just plain can't move because you are afraid that, whatever choices you make, you will make the wrong one?
Or that there are just so many options in front of you that you are simply overwhelmed by the choices and therefore don't make any choice at all?
Or are you at a place in your life where you are numb - apathetic in regards to everything?
Maybe you get up every day, pretending to be someone you are not, hoping that no one discovers the real you, because you aren't very excited about that person.
I think everyone has been in one of these positions at one time in their life. The stress of living in any one of these situations is enormous and can seem insurmountable at times - absolutely impossible to overcome.
What I have to say first is that you are not alone. In fact, you would be surprised at how many people are in the same place you are right now, and just won't let it show behind the shiny veneer they put up.
The second thing I have to say is that in spite of how you are feeling at this moment, you are alive, and that your life is a participation sport. There are no sidelines. You are in the middle of the game, whether you want to be or not, and you are a key player - an MVP in fact - in your very own championship game.
Regardless of how you view it, you are actually moving forward each and every day. You are making progress, becoming the person you were created to be. You can't stop it from happening, regardless of how hard you try to sit out.
Each person you meet - each situation you find yourself in - changes you. It has to. Each second is unique unto itself and can never be reclaimed, and therefore must transform you in some small or great way, for better or worse, just because you lived through it.
Each change brought on by each second you breathe this air means that you are never the same as you were before.
Moving forward.
What's more, even though you don't always control the game time or the plays that are called, you do control the way the game is played. You choose how to respond to the plays - the circumstances - that are happening around you. You choose to be on the offense or defense, and you choose how the game is won.
Because the game will be won. No matter what. And you can't lose, because as long as you are alive, you are winning.
So the question becomes this: how are you going to choose to play the game?
This second,
this minute,
this hour,
this day,
this week,
this year,
this lifetime?
Because life is a participation sport.
And there are no sidelines.
What are you overcoming or have you overcome in your life?
Leave me a comment and let me know: