
New Blog: Grateful Living

For a while now I have been wanting to create a forum for people to express thanksgiving for the blessings in their lives.  To show that there are so many things to be thankful for; big and small, they are there, and all we need to do is take the time to stop, look around and recognize them.

So here it is:

A blog devoted solely to expressing gratitude,
going live on October 1st.

A wonderful and talented group of contributors will be sharing pieces of their personal stories in hopes of inspiring readers to examine their own lives to discover big and life-changing as well as ordinary and every-day miracles in their own lives.

Please take some time to check it out, and if you like what you read, leave a comment, follow it, grab the button to put on your own blog or website.

Between us, maybe we can spread a bit of an "attitude of gratitude" together.
Cindy said...

Congrats on your new blog, Molly! I think it is a wonderful idea and I'm looking forward to the journey...

Shannon Chomanczuk said...

That's wonderful.
I am grateful everyday for the things I have. I almost lost my husband in a very bad car roll over accident. We celebrate the anniversary of his accident every year. This year was 10 years.
We almost lost my daughter twice during my pregnancy and celebrate her life everyday.
My husband severed his pinky at work but didn't loose it. He has limited use of it but we are thankful everyday for small miracles.
Great idea for a blog! Best wishes.
Shannon C