
Awesome Book: "Body Image Lies Women Believe"

I wanted to share a book with all of you that touches on a subject near and dear to my heart: body image untruths and how they effect women of all ages. The book is:

If you are a Kindle reader, the book is FREE - yes I said FREE - through the end of the day on Amazon (click on the photo above & it will take you to the site).

Here's what the publisher has to say about the book:
- Are you insecure about your looks?
- Have you ever compared yourself to someone else and found yourself wanting?
- Do complements or put downs determine the image you have of your beauty?
Real Stories of Overcoming Body Image Lies Women Believe with God’s Truth
Throughout this book, Christian women share their stories of how they have struggled with body image lies and a distorted view of themselves. However, each of their stories also contains hope – the hope of replacing these lies with God’s truth. Our prayer for you is that you find encouragement within these pages and allow Christ to transform you with His truth.
We Are Each Created Unique
God has created each one of us with unique abilities, unique talents and a unique personality. As women we are influencers and God has given us that role and our beauty to share with others. Yet so often we settle for a counterfeit. The enemy has counterfeited our idea of beauty, convincing us to share our beauty with the world in a distorted way. Today that often means that we see our beauty as what we look like on the outside.
What Lies Have You Been Believing?
Join us for the journey of replacing body image lies with truth from God’s Word.
I have been receiving a daily devotional from the author of this book that is absolutely right-on as far as teaching from the Truth of God's Word, and I promise you that this book will give you a whole new perspective on who you are and Whose you are.

You are beautifully and wonderfully made, and you have a Creator who absolutely loves you the way you are!

So check out the book and the website:

Nicky Abram said...

Hi, I've just stumbled on your lovely blog surely for a purpose. I am so pleased to have found your book review as I am in the middle of teaching self-esteem to teens so I will explore it! God bless Nicky